Tsunami Quarterly Review – Summer 2015


TQR11coverOur summer 2015 issue of TQR is now available at DriveThruRPG!  It’s a great way to show your support for the Prismatic Tsunami community and Metagamers Anonymous.  Share the link with your gamer friends!

The magazine expands on the Tsunami’s mission statement by offering gaming advice from community contributors and focusing on popular features from the podcast, particularly the Tsunami Living Campaign.

In our eleventh issue of Tsunami Quarterly Review, you will find the following great features:

    • RPG Crucible: Talk Like a Pirate: Bring characters to life with a variety of vocal expressions.
    • Skill Challenges Go To Sea: Our series on skill challenges sets sail for a completely new perspective on adventuring on the high seas.
    • GMing Tips & Tricks: JiB explores giving your game a sense of character and a voice in the narrative.
    • Cultures of the Realm: Explore three new races for your Tsunami Living Campaign. Continue your quest for the Shards of Malvoc with exciting new PC and NPC cultures at your disposal!
    • Shadows of Esteren: George Sedgwick takes a detailed look at a newer fun and exciting fantasy game.

Help support the Prismatic Tsunami community and the popular Metagamers Anonymous RPG podcast!